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Mark Dever to speak at Denton Bible Church

When I was in college, Tommy Nelson of Denton Bible Church had a shaping influence over my desire to become a verse-by-verse Bible expositor. When I was in seminary, Mark Dever of Capitol Hill Baptist Church had a shaping influence over my views of ecclesiology and congregationalism. I cannot overstate how pivotal both of these ministries have been to me both in my formative years and even now.

That is why I was thrilled to see that these ministries are coming together for one night only in Denton, Texas next week. Mark Dever will be speaking at Denton Bible Church at 6:30pm, February 3. He will be delivering a message on the nature of the church, which will be followed by a time of Q&A. If you are anywhere in the Dallas area, you really ought to consider making it up to Denton for this one. For more information, visit Denton Bible Church’s website.


  • Charles

    Thank you so much Denny for noting that Mark Dever will be at Denton Bible on February 3. Perhaps your readers would be interested in why we asked Mark to speak here.
    Of course, it is widely acknowledged that Mark Dever possesses one of the clearest and most thoughtful voices on issues of Ecclesiology. His writings, lectures and sermons have influenced millions around the country toward a greater understanding of how God delights to display His glory in and through the church. Can we get our minds around this reality? To think that as believers we have been made an integral part of the very Body of Christ! That God has placed His Spirit within us so that we might be “an aroma of Christ” to the world! Amazing.
    Well, over the past year and a half our staff has spent a considerable amount of time trying to grapple with these realities with a view towards more faithfully representing Christ to those whom we serve. We have been looking to the Scriptures to gain a clearer vision of the nature of the Church and of what it means to be a part of the Body of Christ. It has been a marvelous time in which we have searched our hearts and most importantly God’s Word to see what God intends for the Church to be and to do.
    This past Fall our senior pastor Tom Nelson preached a 12 part series on Ecclesiology to exhort the entire church Body to refocus our thoughts on what God intends for His CHurch to be and to do.
    As 2014 opened we sought to continue this focus on the church so we asked Mark Dever to come to DBC, which he graciously consented to do.
    Our prayer is that not only our church but many from area churches will be blessed by Mark Dever’s talk and Q & A and will be challenged and strengthened to give themselves anew to this divine calling to be a faithful member of the Body of the Lord Jesus Christ.
    Blessings to you, brother.

  • Rodney Brown

    Denny, I was influenced in exactly the same way. When attending Denton Bible in college, Tommy greatly influenced my understanding and appreciation of verse by verse expositional preaching. Later on at a church plant and Dallas Seminary, Dever and 9Marks caused me to think deeply about the doctrine of the church. Both have been wonderful servants for the Kingdom. I hope many are able to make the event and the subsequent lectures at DTS.

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