
John Piper Preaching in Dallas . . . Every Weekday!

John Piper

John Piper discipled me in my car when I attended Seminary. I used to listen to his sermon tapes as I would commute to and from work and school. Throughout my career in seminary, the Lord used John Piper to shape my thinking about God and the scriptures more than any single teacher that I ever had. I know of no preacher who combines exegetical, theological, and devotional depth like Dr. Piper.

That is why I am happy to announce that my favorite preacher and mentor in absentia will be preaching right here in “Big D” every weekday! For those readers who did not know, I now teach at the Criswell College in Dallas, TX, and we have a radio station (KCBI 90.9 FM) that reaches about 200,000 people in the Metroplex each week. Beginning on November 1, the station began broadcasting “Desiring God Radio” at 2pm in the afternoon.

So if you live anywhere in the Dallas area, you must tune in!


  • JeffO

    Denny….an answer to prayer! Since 1987 when I “discovered” Desiring God by John Piper, his God-honoring, Christ-exalting, Bible-saturated teaching has been the potter’s hands that have transformed my life. I pray all who have been blessed by his ministry will rise up in support of our brother Piper — a true teacher/pastor/theologian/poet for our generation. His teaching on Future Grace has transformed my heart, broken the hold of sin in my life, and compelled me to long for the inexhaustible pleasures of God in Christ, for today and tomorrow!

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