Today I presented a paper at the Southwest Regional Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society. The meeting was held at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, and Albert Mohler and Wayne Grudem were special guests and speakers at the plenary sessions.
I told the people who attended my session that I would make my paper available here on my blog. So here it is for anyone who is interested.
Inerrancy Is Not Enough – by Denny Burk
Thanks to all of you who attended my session.
T. M. Law
Unfortunately, your desire to be ‘theologically consistent’ is a utopia that doesn’t exist for us sinful humans.
Nice try though.
Very good paper, certainly provides some areas for further thought and reflection in my own studies.
Presently teaching a series called “Life in the Overlooked”, teaching about the holy kiss, Deut 23:12, Plemon, and this week 3 John. All scripture is profitable…