The Southern Baptist Texan reports that my pastor Dr. Robert Jeffress will nominate Dr. R. Albert Mohler this summer for the next president of the Southern Baptist Convention. Anyone who has read this blog for any length of time will know that I receive this news as a very positive development for our denomination. I have a great love and respect for Dr. Mohler, and I can’t imagine a better candidate for SBC President. More later.
(HT: Justin Taylor, Henry Institute)
Matt Svoboda
Dr. York at SBTS told me this a couple of weeks ago and I was very excited as well. He will face some heavy opposition, but I pray that he does win!
Bryan L
What will it mean to you concerning the SBC if he doesn’t win (asking as an outsider)?
Andrew Walker
He’s got my vote.
Matt Svoboda
Well, I definitely do think that he will win. I think if he doesn’t it says a couple of things.
1. I think it will be the workings of people with their own agenda, rather than thinking of what is best for the denomination.
2. It will be a stand against calvinism. I am not a 5 point calvinist, but I do go to Southern Seminary and I do think Dr. Mohler would be THE BEST possible president for the SBC.
The votes that go against him will be the more liberal voters and the ant-calvinist voters… What makes me think is that I do not believe anyone will nominate a more worthy candidate. So all the votes against him won’t be because they think there is a better candidate, but because they don’t want Dr. Mohler.
I could be wrong… I hope I am. I hope the people who don’t vote for him do it because they truly feel the candidate they want is better for the Convention.
But, even if he doesn’t get it this summer, he and others a lot like him will eventually run the SBC! The SBC might not quite be ready for such a calvinistic conservative president, but it will happen soon.
It will be disappointing if he does not win. But it will not concern me that much because Mohler or someone like him will be elected soon!
What do you think Denny?
Michael Bird
I think AM would be a great SB President. I just hope he doesn’t try to tacitly repudiate Frank Page’s “centrist” approach to the denomination. All Mohler has to say is, “I believe the Bible and I AM angry about it!” and it would be a slap in the face to Page. Wade Burleson is of the opinion, for some reason, that Mohler won’t be voted in as President. I think this could be one of the surest bets in denominational history that he does get in.
Oh, and re: your post on martyrs. About seven years ago I preached in the Church where Ian Stains and his family attended back in Australia.
Matt Svoboda
Wade Burleson is going to be leading the charge against Mohler. I also think Mohler will definitely get in, but it won’t be without a fight from Burleson. WB is a little full of himself and he thinks Mohler won’t get voted in just because he is against him.
celucien joseph
I am not surprised at all! It is about time now. Mohler is highly qualified for the presidential position.
jeremy z
For some odd reason I thought Dr. Mohler was black.
Matt Svoboda says:
“But, even if he doesn’t get it this summer, he and others a lot like him will eventually run the SBC! ”
That scares me a little. The SBC isn’t a top down organization, as Dr. Mohler points out in the BP article. Noone “RUNS” the SBC. The thought of a man eventually running the SBC is freightening me. What is being taught at Southern Seminary?
Matt Svoboda
I merely meant the word lead when I used the word ‘run.’ Don’t ask a stupid question because I used the wrong word… Everyone knows all the president really does is articulate and that is all I want Mohler to do.
jeremy z, you’re thinking of Rev. Al Green, not Rev. Al Mohler.