Christianity,  Politics

Do you know about Rick Santorum’s daughter?

At the Las Vegas GOP debate last October, Rick Santorum introduced himself in an unusual way. He mentioned that he was eager to catch the red-eye immediately after the debate so that he could get back home to see his 3-year old little girl Bella who was recovering from a “procedure.” The Santorums had been keeping Bella’s daily difficulties private, but after that remark Santorum received a flood of inquiries from concerned supporters. As a result of this outpouring of support, they produced the video above to introduce Bella.

It turns out that Bella has Trisomy 18 (a condition that many Americans became familiar with a few years ago because of this video). Since she was born, her health has been touch and go, and her condition has brought her close to death more than once. Though medical professionals have advised the Santorums to “let her go,” the Santorums have refused. They love Bella and value her precious life as much as any of their other six children.

The Washington Post has a feature story today explaining what it is like for Santorum to run for President while having a sick child at home. As you can imagine, it is very difficult for him and his wife. Read the article here.

For those of you wondering what it means to be pro-life, you need look no further than the Santorums. They are living it.


  • Christiane

    God bless his little daughter forever and ever.

    My own eldest has trisomy 21, and I agree with Rick that these children have got it right and WE are the handicapped ones.

    well , , , with all the baggage out there among the Republican candidates, this man brings something of blessing to people with his message concerning his beloved child. I’m rather sorry that he hasn’t been taken seriously by Republicans.

    Maybe he wasn’t the kind of person they wanted to represent them.

  • Dave Miller

    I’ve been looking through the candidates for the Republican nomination and Santorum is the one I continue to return to for reasons such as you have mentioned.

  • donsands

    If I can through in Ron Paul as a very staunchly pro-life man as well. Now, Newt, he is Mr. double talk, and he is very good at it. I don’t trust him as far as could kick him. Hope this isn’t a rabbit path?

  • Charlie Albright

    What a light is shed when a man walks by such principles. Not only is this living out pro-life principles but a demonstration of other principles as well. It takes fortitude and selflessness to do what he is doing.

  • yankeegospelgirl

    This video made me cry, thanks for posting it. It’s very touching. I believe Rick is a genuine guy, and I appreciate his solid stand on these core issues. I was sorry to see him back Arlin Specter over a far more conservative Republican candidate back when Specter was running for re-election, but I think he paid for it by losing support for himself later. I don’t know if he’ll win the primary next year, but I’d definitely consider voting for him. I think he would draw a lot of voters.

  • Eileen Sanders

    What a beautiful person and beautiful family. God will continue to give them courage. This is what pro life is all about. Who could ever get rid of this child. She is beautiful too.