Christianity Today reports on a “Dispensational Dustup” at Northwestern College in St. Paul, Minnesota. According to CT, the college removed a senior as student ministries director because of his “hyper-dispensational” views. The student believes “that the book of James was written for Israel and not for the church; that the church started with Paul and not at Pentecost; and that Israel was saved by faith and works, not by faith alone.”
The administration is definitely correct to find such views troubling. I would even go so far as to characterize such views as sub-Christian. Nevertheless, it’s important to point out (as Darrel Bock does in the article) that the student’s beliefs do not represent the mainstream of Dispensational thought.
One Comment
Josh Strelecki
Hey Denny,
It’s funny how you get around the internet and you find your name. I see that you posted this a long time ago, however you don’t comment on it to much. You said “the student’s beliefs do not represent the mainstream of Dispensational thought.” Are you dispensational? I am interested to hear your view if your willing and have time. I not here to prove dispensationalist, I am not here to argue, but to sharpen. I have had many people close to me who have not once opened their Bible to show where I have erred, not one Denny, if they loved me so much, some have gone so far to say I am not a Christian, wouldn’t you desire to share the truth with them. Not one has done this, so I am just curious with all those who have heard of my “Dispensational Dustup”, because that’s is all it seems like I am to “so-called Christians” is a piece of dust that they can dustup. I think you would find out not just a nice man that I am, but one who stands on God’s Word alone, and not Wayne Grudem, not John Piper, John MacArthur, not Justin Taylor. Finally, what do you see wrong with “the book of James was written to Israel and not for the Body”, that the church started with Paul and not at Pentecost, or Israel was saved by faith and works, not by faith alone as we are today?” I beg for you to see that if you took God at His Word these would not be dispensational thoughts, but God’s Word. James 1:1 is a good place to start. May God’s Word alone stand and your faith rest in the Word of God and not the word of men. Peace Brother.
In Him,
Josh Strelecki