
Crossings Camps

Christianity Today reports that Christian camp ministries are in decline. Bob Kobielush, president of the Christian Camp and Conference Association, explains why:

“Camp attendance has been declining since the 1990s . . . due to rising operational costs, government regulations, competition from sports and music camps, and the growing popularity of summer mission trips. He also noted that many churches no longer value the traditional camp experience, and that many megachurches now offer their own camps. . . Kobielush said it could take three to five years before Christian camps see growth in attendance again, but he remains optimistic.”

Even though the Christian camping industry is taking a hit nationwide, there is one that I know of that is bucking the trend. Crossings Camps operates two sites in Kentucky, and they are the cream of the crop as far as I’m concerned. Not only do they have all the bells and whistles that you would want in a summer camp, they also have a solid theological vision for camping ministry. Moreover, their camping program includes special emphases on world-missions, adoption, and orphan-care. For these reasons (and more), Crossings Camps has been growing in spite of the economic downturn.

If you are interested in a solid camping experience for the students in your church, you should check out Crossings. They are doing a great work for the Kingdom.


  • Adam

    I used to work there (summer 2003) and a dear friend of mine is one of the directors (Jonathan Creek location). It is an awesome camp and you hit the nail on the head when describing it. Thanks.

  • Lydia

    I love Cedarmore and Jonathon Creek. I went to Cedarmore as a kid and now my daughter goes to missions camp there. This past summer my cousin was the visting missionary so it was a double delight.

    Thanks for affirming the ministry of these 2 camps.

    BTW: The local non denominational mega has a new shiney camp that seems more like a resort spa for teens.

    Cedarmore still has the same cabins with concrete floors and jam packed with bunk beds and spiders, of course. And you have to walk up hill to the sparse chapel and concrete lodge to eat.

  • Robert Reeves

    Thanks for the wonderful affirmation of the Kentucky Baptists Assemblies’ “Crossings” camps. David Melber and his team do a wonderful job. These camps are vital in helping Kentucky Baptists fulfill the Great Commission by reaching lost young people for Christ, helping Christian youth grow in their faith and helping to instill a love for missions among camp attendees.

  • Zach

    Denny, you should check out Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters. It lacks the bells and whistles (No AC), but the teaching is as solid as you can get. You have a couple students at Boyce that have attended/worked there. Plus, it’s the best in high-adventure recreation.

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