• Christianity,  Theology/Bible

    “Son of God” an Offense to Muslims?

    Collin Hansen has an important article in CT on the translation of the phrase “Son of God” in Arabic Bibles. He reports that many Muslims have come to faith in Christ as a result of Arabic Bible translations that avoid the phrase “Son of God.” He also reports that a number of evangelical scholars and missionaries disagree with the aversion towards the ancient Trinitarian moniker (e.g., Jack Collins, Darrell Bock, Vern Poyrthress, and Scott Horrell). I think Robert Yarbrough, however, underscores what is the fundamental difference between Christianity and Islam and on this point. He says,

  • Christianity

    Russell Moore in WSJ

    Russell Moore has an excellent OP-ED in tomorrow’s Wall Street Journal about the decline of denominations among American Christians. He writes: “More and more Christians choose a church not on the basis of its denomination, but on the basis of more practical matters. Is the nursery easy to find? Do I like the music? Are there support groups for those grappling with addiction? “This trend is a natural extension of the American evangelical experiment. After all, evangelicalism is about the fundamental message of Christianity—the evangel, the gospel, literally the ‘good news’ of God’s kingdom arriving in Jesus Christ—not about denomination building.”

  • Christianity,  Politics

    President Obama Defends His Faith at Prayer Breakfast

    Elizabeth Tenety has the full report, but here’s the relevant excerpt in which the President defends his faith against critics who doubt his sincerity. “These past two years they have deepened my faith. My Christian faith then has been a sustaining force for me over these last few years, all the more so when Michelle and I hear our faith questioned from time to time. We are reminded that ultimately what matters is not what other people say about us, but whether we’re being true to our conscience and true to our God.” Read the rest of Tenety’s coverage here.

  • Christianity,  Theology/Bible

    Does the Church Know Her Commission?

    I have a short article in the latest issue of Tabletalk Magazine. It’s titled “Does the Church Know Her Commission?.” I argue that the Great Commission, “summons us to invite the nations to treasure Christ in such a way that even if they lose everything — even their lives — it is okay so long as they have Him [Matthew 13:44]. That is why making disciples involves not just the entry-level rite of baptism but also the obligation of ‘teaching them to obey all that I commanded you.’ Where this framework is missing, so is the Great Commission.” Do our churches understand that the task of evangelism is the task of…

  • Christianity,  Culture

    A News Report or Abortion Propaganda?

    I saw a headline in the Associated Press that caught my eye: “Abortion doesn’t trigger mental distress, says study: Postpartum depression much more of a factor, according to Danish research.” The article attempts to summarize the findings of a study recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine. I have read enough articles like this one to know that you often cannot take these reports at face value. I have now looked at the actual findings from the New England Journal of Medicine. Despite the cheerleading for abortion, it is clear that the AP has gotten this one wrong.

  • Christianity,  Politics

    Jim Wallis and Chuck Colson Together

    Jim Wallis and Chuck Colson have a column in Christianity Today urging both conviction and civility in our public discourse. Their remarks are offered in the wake of the Tucson shootings, and I think they get it just about right. Here’s a snippet: “We affirm the politics of conviction. Conviction is not inconsistent with civility, which is far deeper than political niceness, indifference, or weakness. We recall the example of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who could never be accused of a lack of passion; yet he persisted in the non-violent treatment of his adversaries, hoping to win them over rather than to win over them. “Where moral concerns lie…

  • Christianity,  Politics

    A Closer Look at Gosnell’s Horror

    Our understanding of the horror that was Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s abortion clinic is still coming in to clear view. Today, the Associated Press reports more of the details about the findings of the grand jury that indicted Gosnell last week. One woman tells the story of how Gosnell forced her to have an abortion against her will.

  • Christianity,  Politics

    Abortion Outrage

    The abortionist’s office was like a slaughterhouse. At least that’s how one patient described the office of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, an abortionist who was recently arrested for murder in Philadelphia (read the story here). There was blood on the floor and the operating table. Unlicensed workers with no medical training performed abortions, and in one case a high school student was put in charge of the procedure. Dr. Gosnell botched scores of abortion, delivered live babies, and then killed them with scissors to the back of the neck after birth. Gosnell is suspected of killing hundreds of live babies over the course of his 30 year career as an abortionist.…

  • Christianity,  Music

    Flame’s New Album, “Captured”

    I cannot say enough about Marcus “Flame” Gray’s new album, “Captured.” Once again, he has put together an album that combines musical and creative excellence with profound theological depth. As far as I’m concerned, Flame is a genius, and this album is a must-buy both for hip-hop fans and for all those others who might need to broaden their horizons. My favorite tracks on here are “Nonsense,” “Alive,” “All I Need,” and “Move.” The cameo by MC Ryan Fullerton is also at the top of my list, so be sure to listen to “Daniel 10.”