• Abortion,  Christianity

    Abolitionism vs. Incrementalism: Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?

    Doug Wilson has posted an interesting article today about the abolitionist and incrementalist approaches to opposing abortion. If you are unfamiliar with this debate, then I direct you to a piece I wrote about it last summer (here). Wilson and I both hold to incrementalism—that is, while we both want to see the abolition of legal abortion, we support policies that would reduce abortion along the way to that ultimate goal (like the new “heartbeat” law in Texas). Incrementalism is the mainstream pro-life position. Incrementalism does not entail an endorsement of every incrementalist measure. Indeed, some such measures could be ill-conceived and imprudent or perhaps surrendering too much on principle.…

  • Abortion,  News

    NBC reports Roe v. Wade decision (January 22, 1973)

    This early report reveals that very few people realized how expansive the Roe decision would prove to be. On the same day that Roe was decided, the Supreme Court also handed down a decision on Doe v. Bolton, which in effect did away with any trimester limitations on abortion. Roe and Doe together ensured that a woman would have a right to abortion for any reason throughout all nine months of pregnancy. Since that time, Roe v. Wade has presided over the deaths of 55 million unborn children in America. Evangelicals were caught flat-footed by the Roe decision. Only the Roman Catholics were speaking for life in those early days.…