Josh Harris, Al Mohler, and Russell Moore will be the featured speakers at Boyce College’s conference for high school students on March 19-20, 2010. The theme for the conference is “No Idols: Calling Students to Single-hearted Devotion.” Grammy-nominated Boyce College student “Flame” will perform, and “Shane and Shane” will be leading the worship in music for the weekend.
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Last year’s conference was a great success, and I expect this one will be even better. It will be a Christ-exalting, gospel-centered, Bible-focused weekend. So please tell your pastor or youth leader about “No Idols.” You don’t want your students to miss this one.
“You shall not make idols for yourselves . . . for I am the Lord your God.” -Leviticus 26:1
hey denny i think you may have the date wrong?
Denny Burk
Why do you think it is wrong?
Denny Burk
Got it. I wasn’t looking at the year!