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DC Comics Creates First Lesbian Superhero

Just a quick note about another sad milestone in popular culture: DC Comics is shaking-up its comic book universe. They have decided to do a giant do-over of 52 of their titles, which means that Superman, Batman, and a host of other comic book icons will be starting-over from issue number 1. What does this mean? For starters, it means that Lois Lane will no longer be married to Superman. There will be brand new story lines and brand new characters.

America is a lot less “white” than it was when DC Comics started 76 years ago, so the new series will feature more ethnic diversity among its heroes. But the diversity-effort goes beyond ethnicity. DC also plans to introduce the first ever lesbian superhero—Batwoman. DC Comics proclaims Batwoman to be “the first LGBT character to star in an eponymous series published by either of America’s Big Two comic book publishers.”


  • formeratheist

    Though disappointed I am not really surprised. The gay agenda (expressed most clearly in the seminal manifesto “After the Ball”) is highly focused on infiltrating every level of society, especially those that will expose young people to it at an early age. How can homosexuality be wrong kids if a super heroine is such a person? It’s an indication of how far the gay agenda has advanced and how far our cultural morality has fallen. It will be interesting to see if Marvel follows suit with an LGBT character of their own.


  • Paul

    Randy – how many kids even read comic books anymore? This is an adult market, by far and wide. And, realistically, how does this really pan out? Do we think there will be lesbian sex scenes in a comic book devoted to an action hero? Of course not. It’s going to be a trivial plot point that will likely rarely make its way into storylines. This is seriously much ado about nothing.

    • Denny Burk


      If you think the challenge of homosexual propaganda consists only in explicit sexual material, then I think you are mistaken. The point is that characters such as these normalize something that the Bible calls evil.

      This is a comic book, and in the long run is a drop in the cultural bucket. But it is nevertheless a piece of a larger cultural mosaic that increasingly seeks to normalize rebellion against its Creator.


      • Paul

        Rebellion against the Creator has been the norm, not the exception for as long as humans have been alive, and it takes its shape in different forms. You cry out against this one, but are silent on matters of greed, service to the poor, men blindly following gods with little g’s and other sins. I say that as Christians, we should allow for the normalization of homosexuality to the same degree that we’re willing to allow for the normalization of the average Wall Street Banker. Whose sins are actually worse for us as a society? Homosexual sex may be an abomination, but it’s an abomination that occurs in 3-10% of the population. Greed and contempt for the widows, orphans and impoverished is also a sin, but that’s a set of sins that occur in 30, 40 or 50% of the population. If we’re going to talk about sin and it’s place in the public square, then let’s get all of the sins out on the table Denny…

  • Andrew Lindsey

    DC is trying to make news off an old story; they have written Batwoman as lesbian since 2006.

    Someone mentioned Marvel Comics; in the Marvel Universe, Northstar (former member of Alpha Flight and the X-Men) has been openly “gay” since 1992.

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