I guess I am starting and ending the week with Sarah Palin. She has issued yet another statement defending her recent remarks to the NRA that “waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists.” She writes,
Bill O’Reilly’s interview with President Obama
Bill O’Reilly’s interview with President Obama yesterday is fascinating on a number of levels.
Lara Logan deserves a mulligan
There’s a proverb that says “Like one who grabs a stray dog by the ears is someone who rushes into a quarrel not their own” (Proverbs 26:17). So I may regret wading into the recent controversy about CBS News’ Lara Logan. Nevertheless, ever since I read that CBS News has put her on a leave of absence, I haven’t been able to get one aspect of this story off my mind. Last month on “60 Minutes,” Lara Logan reported a story about the 2012 Benghazi attacks that left four Americans dead. Relying heavily on a single source, her report indicated that the U.S. government was derelict in its response during…