• Music

    Steve Hayes Reviews New Caedmon’s Call Album

    I’ve been talking a lot about Caedmon’s Call lately, and I’m happy to report that my good friend Steve Hayes has already listened to and reviewed their new album “Overdressed.” Steve has the inside track on all things Caedmon’s (I’m sorry, Steve, for outing you when you shared the first album back in ’96), so this is likely the first review you’ll read. One thing’s for sure. I can’t wait to buy “Overdressed.” I’ll probably write about it here when I do. In the meantime, go check out Steve’s review. “‘Overdressed’ Dresses up Nicely (A review of the new Caedmon’s Call release)” – Steve Hayes (Cajun Roast Beef)

  • Music,  Theology/Bible

    How the Prayer of Jabez Killed Caedmon’s Call

    I just finished listening to a fascinating interview with Derek Webb in which he gives some of the reasons for the break-up of Caedmon’s Call (listen below). Believe it or not, Derek says that Bruce Wilkinson and The Prayer of Jabez were in part to blame for the band’s demise! https://web.archive.org/web/20111209221431/http://podcasts.buzzplant.com/derekwebb/DW-Podcast_Episode12.mp3 Derek explains that his first solo album was inspired by an encounter that Caedmon’s Call had with Bruce Wilkinson at a trade event. At this event, Wilkinson was supposed to speak for about 20-30 minutes, and then Caedmon’s was to perform a few songs when he finished. Wilkinson held forth for about an hour and a half telling the…

  • Music

    Derek Webb Reunites with Caedmon’s Call

    I think Caedmon’s Call lost big time when Derek Webb left the band in 2003. Even though the band went on without him, for many fans, it was as if the band had broken up. Caedmon’s Call 1.0 gave way to Caedmon’s call 2.0, and it marked the end of an era of great music. So I’ll bet I’m not the only one who’s happy to hear that Derek is reuniting with the band. Here’s what Cliff Young said in a recent press-release:

  • Christianity,  Music

    I Heart CCM

    From some of the feedback I have gotten to yesterday’s post, I suspect that I may have given the impression that I am utterly cynical about contemporary Christian music (CCM). Nothing could be further from the truth. While CCM has its fair share of musical pablum to offer, so does secular music. And while there is some brilliant secular music, so there is also in CCM. If I tried to list every CCM artist or song that I have enjoyed over the years, the list would be too long. But there have been some that have had some staying power for me personally—meaning, there was something about the music or…

  • Christianity,  Music

    What happened to CCM?

    Were you ever a reader of CCM magazine? I was… sort of. I was more of a casual browser than a reader. For the uninitiated, CCM stands for “Contemporary Christian Music,” and CCM magazine was like the evangelical version of Rolling Stone. In the late 90’s when I was a student at DTS, there was one particular issue on the shelf at the DTS bookstore that caught my attention. The glossy cover featured my favorite group, Caedmon’s Call. Believe it or not, I was such a fan of the band that I actually signed-up for a one-year subscription to CCM. A more thoughtful person might have stopped to ponder that…

  • Music

    Denny Burk Jumps the Shark

    I got snookered! That last @CaedmonsCall Tweet was not from the real Cliff Young at all. Sorry, Caedmon’s! I was wrong in substance and tone, and I apologize. I repent in sackcloth and ashes. Going to go listen to this song for a while.