• Christianity

    Who is the prophet in this picture?

    Openly gay US Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson was preaching in London about how sad it was that the Anglican Communion was tearing itself apart over the issue of homosexuality. As he was speaking, a congregant stood up and began shouting “heretic” and “repent.” Many others in the congregation followed the outburst with claps. Watch it here. To be sure, some people will say that the outburst was just rude. But you tell me. Who is the prophet in this picture? Here are some lines from Bishop Robinson’s sermon:

  • Christianity,  Politics

    Abortion, Race, and the NAACP

    Yesterday, Senator Barack Obama addressed the 99th annual conference for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). William McGurn of the Wall Street Journal notes why the meeting was important: “For one thing, the first African-American to head the presidential ticket of a major party was on hand. Yet there was another interesting appearance that went mostly unmentioned. This was a protest by African-American pro-lifers – many NAACP members – who can’t understand why America’s most venerated civil rights organization turns a blind eye to what they say is the abortion industry’s practice of targeting poor minority neighborhoods.”

  • Christianity

    The Glories of Motherhood

    I heard a fascinating interview last week with Heather Payne, a member of the award-winning Christian pop group “Point of Grace.” Recently, Payne announced that she was leaving the group so that she could focus on being a mom. You can read about her departure here, but I recommend listening to the interview below. [audio:http://www.sbts.edu/MP3/totl/2008/AMP_07_11_2008.mp3] I think what Payne has done is positively counter-cultural (in a good sense). May her tribe increase! Here’s a description of the show from “The Albert Mohler Program” website: “Can a Christian mom do everything the world tells them they can and should do? The perfect education, career, and family? Singer Heather Payne recently announced…

  • Christianity

    Russell Moore Wallops Wright and the Right

    When Russell Moore is on, he’s on. His article in the most recent issue of Touchstone magazine sounds a prophetic note that has a wallop for both liberals and conservatives. Here’s an excerpt, but you really should read the whole thing. ‘One does not have to be a political radical to bypass Jesus at church. White, upwardly mobile, pro-America preachers preach liberation theology all the time, with all the fervor of Jeremiah Wright, if not the anger.

  • Christianity,  Theology/Bible

    Gender Talk on “The Albert Mohler Program”

    Yesterday, Dr. Russell Moore hosted a discussion of biblical manhood and womanhood on “The Albert Mohler Program,” and I was pleased to be a guest along with my good friend Jim Hamilton. You can hear the show at AlbertMohler.com, at the show’s podcast, or at the player below. [audio:http://www.sbts.edu/MP3/totl/2008/AMP_06_30_2008.mp3] At the beginning of the program, Dr. Moore mentioned that he had been in the Dallas area to deliver some messages at Denton Bible Church. Not only that, he offered a noteworthy tribute to Tommy Nelson, the pastor of Denton Bible Church:

  • Christianity,  Theology/Bible

    Gender-Debaters Point the Finger at Themselves

    Christianity Today has published two essays in which an egalitarian and a complementarian point the finger of critique at their own movements. John Koessler represents the complementarian point of view, and Sarah Sumner represents the egalitarian. I’m not going to comment on this exchange point-by-point. But I do have a question about one of Koessler’s statements. He writes: “When God created humankind in his image, he created them to be male and female (Gen. 1:27). It is often said that men and women bear the image of God equally. But it might be more accurate to say that men and women bear God’s image together. Men and women collectively reflect…

  • Christianity,  Theology/Bible

    Bruce Ware’s Complementarian Reading of Genesis

    On Sunday, Dr. Bruce Ware delivered one of the finest, most succinct presentations of the Complementarian point of view that I have ever heard. His address was the second of a Complementarian series of sermons being hosted by Denton Bible Church (the first address is here). The message is deeply biblical and powerfully delivered. The audio is available from DBC’s website, or you can listen to it below. The substance of Ware’s address consists of ten reasons “why we should affirm that God designed there to be male headship” in the original created order. In essence, Dr. Ware explains how Genesis 1-3 teaches male headship as a part of God’s…

  • Christianity

    Not-so-evangelical Evangelicals

    You’ll be hearing a lot about a recent survey conducted by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. Among the most disturbing findings is that 57% of evangelical church attendees say that they believe many religions can lead to eternal life. Watch NBC News’ coverage above, and then read the “Summary of Key Findings.” Dr. Albert Mohler talked about the survey on his radio program today. You can listen to the audio below, or download it from AlbertMohler.com. [audio:http://www.sbts.edu/MP3/totl/2008/AMP_06_23_2008.mp3] Also, David Van Biema interviewed Dr. Mohler about the poll for Time magazine.

  • Christianity,  Theology/Bible

    Unorthodox Baptists

    The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF) is a splinter-group of moderate to liberal Southern Baptists who do not agree with the conservative orientation of the Southern Baptist Convention. In the past, CBF annual meetings have included worship services to “Mother God” and controversies over homosexuality. One presenter at the most recent meeting of the CBF openly questioned the deity of Christ. According to David Roach of the Baptist Press, John Killinger said the following words at a CBF workshop in Memphis, Tennessee: