Ana Marie Cox wrote a compelling testimony several days ago titled “Why I’m coming out as a Christian.” She is a liberal/progressive writer, and she shares that she has been most reluctant to announce her new found faith for fear that Christians won’t accept her. Happily, she reports that the opposite has happened since her article came out. Watch above.
Dana Loesch also interviewed Cox for The Blaze. Watch below.
Esther O'Reilly
Sorry, I don’t find that testimony “compelling” at all. She spends most of it acting weird and defensive about people who dare to suggest that Obama isn’t a Christian, when his corrupt actions, staunch support of abortion, and relentless attacks on liberty should have made this blindingly obvious long ago. This is one of the main points in her pity party about being a poor lonely lib-Dem in the Church. I want to say, “Sweetheart, has it occurred to you for a second that maybe liberal philosophy is badly confused and seriously out of touch with reality on more than one point, and that maybe this matters?”
I’m glad that she’s a Christian, but I sincerely hope that she becomes a better-rounded believer. Kirsten Powers sang exactly the same tune, and we see where that’s taken her on the homosexual “marriage” issue. We need to be very cautious about treating journalists like this as our cultural allies. As long as they insist on remaining seriously confused in their politics, we can’t be shy about saying that they’re dead wrong.
Denny Burk
I agree that becoming a Christian has implications for all of life–including one’s political views. I do not believe that means that every Christian will become a card-carrying partisan either Republican or Democrat. Certainly, following Christ implies a certain view of the abortion issue and of the definition of marriage. But who among us gets all of that sorted out right after conversion? I became a Christian when I was nine. Nevertheless, during my sophomore year in college, I came home and lectured my parents about the foolishness of being a “single-issue” voter on abortion. That was 1992, and we know who was running for president then. Thankfully, my parents hung in there with me and didn’t throw me overboard because I was wrong on that particular issue.
My point is that we need to allow people time to grow and to sort things out. We are all works in progress, and new converts are no exception. When someone comes to faith, the best thing is to be patient and watch for evidences of the Lord’s grace over time. It doesn’t happen all at once for any of us. It’s one thing for someone to reject persistently over time God’s word. It’s another thing for a new convert to be sorting out the implications of Christ’s Lordship in their life. So let’s hope all things and believe all things and encourage. All of us need that, especially in the early stages of walking with Christ.
And by the way, I’m watching this from the cheap seats. I don’t know this woman, and I can’t see into her heart. But given her clear profession of faith, I want to extend a warm welcome, encourage her to press on in following Christ, and hope for the best.
Thanks for taking time to write.
Esther O'Reilly
I understand where you’re coming from, and I do agree that it’s always a good thing when somebody decides to profess Christ. But I’m just extremely put off by her attitude. She’s not coming in open-handed about her politics, she’s positively sneering at conservative Christians who dare to imply that liberalism is incompatible with clear-thinking Christianity. If she appeared more humble and willing to change her views, I would feel differently.
To point out that being a Christian doesn’t necessitate card-carrying Republican partisanship is a bit off-topic from my actual point. I wasn’t speaking about endorsing Republican candidates, or agreeing with Republicans on every issue. I was talking about conservatism versus liberalism, which isn’t the same thing. However, while I don’t consider myself a mainline Republican, I can say with confidence that there is absolutely nothing of merit in the Democratic party. And the Republican party isn’t quite that bad, at least not yet, though they seem to be working diligently at it.
Lynn B.
Esther: I agree with Denny, give Ana Marie time to grow and show her colors so to speak. It could be easy for me to find her defense of Obama’s “Christianity” a problem except that someone with her life experience has absolutely no idea about discernment in such things.
I do not agree with you that Ana Marie is sneering at anyone. Nor do I agree with you that there is nothing in liberalism/the Democratic Party that is compatible with Christianity and the Bible. I say that as someone who is extremely far right politically and believes most liberals today to be Communists but at the same time I am mindful that sometimes my politics is informed by capitalism more than the Bible. They are not one-and-the-same. It is actually capitalism (and I am a fairly staunch capitalist) and not biblical Christianity that gives the Republican party the reputation of being cold and heartless.
Several years ago, before I knew of Kirsten Powers’ profession of faith I thought I saw a change in her debate on Fox News, she was just more reasoned and thoughtful in what she said… It made sense to me when I learned she had come to Christ and was attending Tim Keller’s church… and now she has become a tremendous voice for life.
True, Kirsten does not yet have a biblical worldview on every topic, but as much as you and I may find it uncomfortable to admit we are as equally unsanctified (our myopia just keeps us from seeing the details in our own lives). Jesus referred to it as a splinter and a beam and said that the beam is always mine (Matthew 7).
Kirsten and Ana Marie both write for The Daily Beast and I cannot help but wonder if there is a connection.
ian Shaw
People that vote on single issues only will be the reason why a sound, reasonable, conservative candidate like Dr. Ben Carson will not make it past the republican primaries. A shame really.
Lynn B.
ian: I thought I was a huge Ben Carson fan until I read his Wikipedia page (and a few other online quotes) and saw some of his positions on national health care and related issues such as the government setting standards for who will receive end of life medical care. Of course, we all know that this week he backtracked on his position on homosexuality being a choice. I am very concerned but I learned a lesson not to judge too quickly even someone who espouses “some” good ideas.
I would suggest that if Dr. Carson wants to truly test the waters on his level of support he needs to publish his position on all the major issues or he may find he has support today that he does not have later when the truth is known.
Dan Phillips
She made a “clear profession of faith”? I take it that you mean somewhere other than the article, in which she says “I believe that whatever spiritual rewards I may reap come directly from trying to live the example set by Christ. Whether or not I succeed in living up to that example is primarily between Him and me.” Among other things.
I mean, that’s EXACTLY the sort of statement we single out as signalling a lack of understanding of the need for redemption, the preaching of a false Gospel (salvation by imitation) and the Gospel message of salvation by grace along through faith alone. Right? To say nothing of the other concerning aspects of her statements?
So to hear the “clear profession,” we need to find time to sit through additional interviews?
TO BE CLEAR (no pun intended): I am not saying she’s not saved, and I’m not saying I know she’s not saved. I’m just saying that her statements in the essay leave me with significant question-marks.
She also said (immediately before the portion you quoted): “I believe in the grace offered by the Resurrection.”
Later, she describes “the God of the Bible, God who gave his only Son as proof of His inexhaustible grace”.
There’s also:
“One of the most painful and reoccurring stumbling blocks in my journey is my inability to accept that I am completely whole and loved by God without doing anything. That’s accompanied by a corresponding truth: There is nothing so great I can do to make God love me more.”
“I am saved not because of who I am or what I have done (or didn’t do), but simply because I have accepted the infinite grace that was always offered to me.”
I’m kind of amazed you could read that piece and come away thinking she believes in salvation by works.
Christiane Smith
I don’t ‘know’ who is ‘saved’ and who is not ‘saved’, and apparently neither do many people who will say ‘Lord, Lord’ on the Day of Judgement know either. This we are told in the Holy Gospel of St. Matthew.
But turning TOWARD Christ is a sign that a sacred journey has at least begun.
Practicing arrogance and smugness about one’s own righteousness while displaying the pointing of the finger at ‘that other sinner’
. . . that was NOT rewarded by God in sacred Scripture. We know this to be true. I think it was also a warning to all of us to abstain from arrogant behavior of any kind once we have begun our journey towards Christ.
Sam Dillon
I enjoyed her article but I suppose I’m one of the mean christians who may not accept her yet. I’m sorry but a christian who agrees with and tweets their endorsement of a– f——, tweeters words, not mine, is enough to raise an eyebrow for me. I will pray her discernment sharpens.
Bob Wilson
You have made those words your own. There was no reason to repeat them. What words describe your sins?
Chris Ryan
How wonderful is that. We could use more Progressive Christians. Welcome to the fold!!
On a side note this is a reminder that words matter. Its sad to think Christians have been scaring away followers because of how we come across, something that Christ never did.
James Harold Thomas
Lots of people refused to follow Jesus because they believed lies about him. Some even supported executing him because of the lies. Was this Jesus’ fault because of how he “came across” to them?
Ryan B
Just for the sake of clarification, Christ absolutely scared followers away during his ministry. Between telling people to eat his flesh and drink his blood, and calling out woes upon various peoples and cities, he evidently was not afraid of alienating people.
Dal Bailey
I believe even then they understood his metaphor. Why can’t you? Oh and do you have a last name?
Ryan B
To your second question, I didn’t read the instructions for posting very clearly, so I’m as surprised as anyone that my comment was approved. That said, your tone isn’t particularly encouraging.
Having said that, I’m mystified by your first question. What leads you to believe I don’t understand Christ’s metaphor? Whether his professed followers understood it or not is irrelevant; if the sinless Son of God says harsh things that alienate people – which doesn’t give others a blanket license to use harsh words – my point is that it makes Chris Ryan’s sentiment hard to sustain: “Its sad to think Christians have been scaring away followers because of how we come across, something that Christ never did.”
Theresa Moore
Always concerns me when a profession of faith is absent of repentance and faith in Christ and is replaced by some sort of emotional experience.
ian Shaw
You said it. Bingo
Jeff Clement
I am encouraged whenever Jesus grabs another son or daughter into His arms. What a beauty it is to see when a soul finds it salvation. I pray that she understands her New Creation and knows that the Old Things have passed away. While we do have freedom because of Grace, we also are made to move forward from it’s propulsion. We have been purchased from slavery at a great price not to remain in chains of passivity. We have been rescued from the riptide not to sit on the beach to watch others drown. We have been given the beautiful mission to join Jesus as lifeguards to assist in the next rescues. Grace doesn’t need to be a onetime event. It is a waterfall that continues to be poured onto us as we engage the Father’s will for us.
Christiane Smith
In the beginning of her Christian journey, I found it moving that Ana Marie chose to express ‘thankfulness’ as something she could summon up daily in response to grace . . .
it’s the ones who take His ‘grace’ for granted who don’t (or can’t) understand that this gift was given from One Who suffered much for us.
In feeling a steady heart-felt gratitude towards God, she may be already be well ahead of many long-standing members of our faith who, having already accepted ourselves as her superior, give the credit for this to our perceived state advanced righteousness
God loves a thankful heart. May she be blessed with His love for all eternity.
John Kreiner
Regardless of their politics, I think that that while they shouldn’t run and hide, new Christians with a measure of celebrity or an audience should be cautious about trumpeting their Christianity, but should be slow to speak, as the Bible says. Pastors and mature Christians should give this advice to new Christians. After all, if elders of a smaller church should not be new converts, how much more should national spokespeople for Christ. And I’m not talking specifically about Ana Marie Cox or Obama (or W), but we should be very wary of people using Christianity in the political arena merely to pander to voters.
ian Shaw
True, granted Wikipedia shouldn’t be our go-to often. It’s just refreshing to hear a potential political candidate speak openly. We hear what he thinks, not a canned PC response somebody else wrote. Much as I appreciate his “un-filteredness”, those reasons are why he’ll never get a nomination. People will want him to be a “party puppet” which means he would have to compromised his beliefs or get passed on by.