Christianity,  Culture

Where Rock Stars Go To Die

Ted Kluck is as hilarious as he is insightful. His little article “Where Rock Stars Go To Die” is a great read. It’s his commentary on worship vs. performance, skinny jeans vs. khakis, and everything in between. Among other things, he writes:

The only thing that separates a “worship band” from a “rock band” is the presence of lyrics on a projection screen behind the worship band. What’s really happening is a concert. A performance. But the presence of lyrics on a screen somehow makes it “worship.” If this sounds weird/confusing to you, that’s because it is weird and confusing to me as well.

To be sure, Kluck says much more than this, and you’ll need to read his whole article before making judgments about this single statement. I hope you will take time to do just that. Read it here.


  • Joe Bach

    I’ve always thought it’d be cool if the band wasn’t on the stage facing the audience but down front playing towards the empty stage. Then they could be heard but not seen. People would focus on the music and not the “performers”. That’d end the American idol wannabe singers and the poseur rock stars. “Performers” would be hired for talent and not looks.

    But that’s just me.

  • Paul

    I agree with Joe. But I also think this is why we need to get away from contemporary worship and just go back to the hymns. Just a piano and a vocalist to lead everybody else.

    Want to bring a band in for a sing along performance on Sunday nights? Go right ahead. But call it that. Don’t even attempt to call it worship. Because the band SHOULD be thinking about the music and the presentation (that is our job, after all). If, in doing that, music is played that evokes a yearning for worship amongst the gathered throngs, then great! But don’t try to rock out on Sunday mornings, or at times that are reserved for the worship of our God. You can’t serve two gods. Quit trying.

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