
Wheaton Conference on N. T. Wright

The 2010 Wheaton Theology Conference on N. T. Wright wrapped-up yesterday, and the audio and video of the sessions are now available at Wheaton’s website. The conference was called “Jesus, Paul and the People of God: A Theological Dialogue with N.T. Wright,” and speakers included N. T. Wright, Richard Hays, Kevin Vanhoozer, and Nicholas Perrin. I’m looking forward to listening to these.


  • Michael

    Wright’s speech on Paul was… surprising. Creation is waiting for us to be proper stewards? That’s Pauline eschatology?

    I did appreciate his framing Pauline theology using Philemon, since here we have a view of Paul’s application of his own theology.

    I simply, despite all efforts at sincerely trying to adopt Wright’s views, cannot see how someone finds them credible.

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