
Skip Ryan Testimony

Three years ago, Dr. Skip Ryan stepped down from being senior pastor of Park Cities Presbyterian Church in Dallas, Texas. On Sunday, a friend alerted me to a testimony that Dr. Ryan shared last summer at the 37th General Assembly of the PCA in Orlando, Florida.

Testimony of Skip Ryan- 37th General Assembly of the PCA

[mp3 download]

I’m most encouraged to hear that Dr. Ryan remains an active member of the church he once led. That in itself is a testimony of grace. Currently Dr. Ryan serves as Chancellor and Professor of Practical Theology at Redeemer Seminary in Dallas, Texas. I think this is worth a listen.

Dr. Skip Ryan was my pastor for about a year and a half when I was a student at Dallas Theological Seminary.


  • Derek Cox

    This is one of the best things I’ve heard in a while. A refreshing,helpful,hopeful admonition to my soul…”Where do you expect me to go. This is my family. These are my people”. This is the fruit of applying Galatians 6:1-2. Thank you for making this available. Merry Christmas Denny.


  • Denny Burk


    Actually, I was sojourning as a Baptist among Presbyterians. I was never a paedo-baptist.

    I was in seminary when I went to PCPC, and I never became a full-member. I had an associate member status so that I could retain my membership in my home church in Louisiana.


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