
Obama Administration Suppresses Abortion Stats

Steven Ertelt reports that the Obama administration is being accused of suppressing U.S. abortion statistics. The CDC normally publishes these figures, but apparently that has changed. Ertelt writes:

“The Obama administration’s decision to stop publishing abortion statistics is nothing short of outrageous. Even the rabidly pro-choice Clinton administration allowed the CDC to publish abortion statistics on an annual basis. Perhaps the Obama administration wants to squelch evidence that health care reform increased the abortion rate. Perhaps, seeing the momentum of pro-lifers, they do not want to be blamed if abortion numbers increase. Regardless, research and human knowledge will not advance without access to good and reliable data. As such, the Obama administration is doing a tremendous disservice to researchers, scholars, journalists, and the general public.”

Read the rest here.


  • Ryan K.

    The problem with releasing the data is that it reveals that Obama is lying and just trying to patronizing a petulant public by saying abortion should be “rare.”

    Not one action or policy he has ever been about, has supported the idea of limiting or reducing abortions.

  • Derek

    Not just transparent – Obama promised the “most open and transparent in history”. The claim is still made on the White House website.

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