
Deconstructing The Da Vinci Code

Photo by James Yacovelli

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary recently held a symposium on Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code. Panel members include Bart Ehrman, Andreas Kostenberger, Richard Hays, and Norm Geisler.

You can download the mp3 audio of the conversation from the SEBTS Website, or you can subscribe to the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary Chapel Podcast through iTunes. The title of the discussion is “Roundtable Discussion of The Da Vinci Code.”

This is a very fascinating discussion. As for the historical claims of The Da Vinci Code, when Norm Geisler and Bart Ehrman are in agreement on anything having to do with Christianity, you know that something momentous has happened. In this case, it turns out that The Da Vinci Code is momentously wrong. The book makes egregious historical errors, and panel members (liberal and conservative alike) agree on that score.

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